Astra Theme – Astra Fast, Lightweight & Customizable WordPress Theme for Any Website Wed, 17 May 2023 08:30:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Astra Theme – Astra 32 32 Version 4.1.5 Wed, 17 May 2023 08:30:38 +0000 Fix:

  • Offcanvas Menu – Transparent empty canvas visible on expanding offcanvas toggle button.
  • Custom Layouts – Block editor core blocks custom spacing incorrectly applies to custom layout blocks in editor.
Version 4.1.4 Tue, 09 May 2023 09:35:05 +0000 New:


  • Theme package size has been optimized from 9MB to under 6MB.
  • Added WPML translation support for Pro Custom Layout’s Layout, Display-Exclusion rules, Users rule options.
  • Introduced filter ‘astra_header_profile_gmpg_link’ to remove gmpg link from webpage for GDPR.


  • Spectra’s Tab anchor links jerks when “Smooth Scroll to ID” option enabled from customizer.
  • WooCommerce – Cart – Realtime quantity updater not working on change of input box when Mix Match plugin is activated.
  • Breadcrumb content text-decoration style not working for active menu link.
  • WooCommerce – Cart – PHP error “can not redeclare astra_cart_position function”.
  • Header Builder – Off-canvas – Getting white flash jerk when closing offcanvas toggle menu.
  • WooCommerce – Pagination does not work for WooCommerce Categories without Subcategories if displaying subcategories on products.
  • Double border-top applied for footer in customizer preview.
Version 4.1.3 Thu, 06 Apr 2023 10:51:14 +0000 Fix:

  • Container – Content Boxed layout removes Spectra column or container left padding.
  • Offcanvas – Due to clickable hidden area toggle buttons don’t work in RTL mode.
  • Header Builder – Cart – On adding product to cart, quantity plus & minus buttons gets disappear.
  • Topic tags div visible multiple times and goes into infinite loop in case of BBPress.
  • Offcanvas – Builder component popup overlaps on customizer controls section.
  • WooCommerce – Widget’s dropdown arrow is moving to top corner.
  • Header Builder – Cart – Slide cart goes blank when Elementor Pro is active with latest version.
  • get_the_excerpt() callback breaks the functionality of external plugins like BuddyPress Registration, Five Star Restaurant Reservations, Formidable Form.
Version 4.1.2 Wed, 29 Mar 2023 11:33:39 +0000 Fix:

  • Post content shrinks on one side for the blog archive.
  • Menu – CSS menu arrow icons are coming along with SVG icons.
  • Menu – Submenu arrows are hidden in case of SVG icons are disabled.
Version 4.1.1 Tue, 28 Mar 2023 12:26:43 +0000 Fix:

  • Single Post – Related Post Title Font Size is not working for responsive devices.
  • PHP notice “Warning: Array to string conversion” while parsing button styling CSS.
Version 4.1.0 Tue, 28 Mar 2023 04:32:44 +0000 New:


  • Hardened the security.
  • Compatibility with WordPress-6.2.
  • Starter Templates admin menu nav-link removed when Whitelabel is enabled.
  • Improved accessibility for header menu navigation.


  • Customizer – Typography and Button Preset options selected preset not highlighting and reset button not functioning.
  • Author Info box is visible multiple times and goes into infinite loop in case of BBPress.
  • W3 validation – Builder – Menu – Duplicate IDs for responsive devices.
  • Block editor – Image breaking outside the entry container when left/right aligned.
  • WooCommerce – Real Time Quantity Updater not working in case of shortcode used.
  • WooCommerce – CSS overriding Global H2 tag font size WooCommerce pages.
  • Customizer – Global buttons text and background hover color not working in customizer preview.
  • Customizer – Global outline button styling not reflecting in block editor for some cases.
  • Footer builder – Widgets dynamic CSS gets added multiple times on the frontend.
  • WooCommerce – Error, info content messages UI breaking on the frontend.
  • Builder – Off-canvas menu – Dropdown menu arrow icon is misplaced in case of toggle for desktop.
  • Spectra Compatibility – Spectra spacing options for applying custom margin and padding not working.
  • Content background color does not apply to Author Box in customizer preview.
  • Cost Calculator Builder – compatibility range slider.
  • Disable the title from Elementor setting is not working as expected.
  • Footer menu alignment issue for responsive devices.
  • Inside container spacing for single posts affecting the related posts section.
  • PHP error ‘Uncaught TypeError: ltrim()’ for getting taxonomy term link.
  • Single post title transformed to capitalize with 4.0 update.
  • WooCommerce – Console throwing an event listener error when a product has only 1 item in stock.
  • Customizer – Typography and Button Preset options selected preset not highlighting and reset button not functioning.
  • WooCommerce – Buttons does not inherit global button styling from the theme customizer. ( )
Version 4.0.2 Thu, 19 Jan 2023 09:07:50 +0000 Deprecated:

  • Filter ‘astra_single_banner_post_meta’ for single post meta markup has been deprecated instead use ‘astra_single_post_meta’.


  • get_option database call increase page loads for fetching theme options.
  • exclude_from_search query parameter removed from get_post_types list to get CPTs under Customizer > Custom Post Types section, case of CartFlows Step custom post type.
  • Archive – Title area 2 – Archive type title gets added as prefix on archive pages.
  • Text transformed to ‘capitalize’ for single post titles & archive titles after 4.0.0.
  • Single Post – “Read Time” option missing from metadata.
  • Comment form fields should be stack on responsive devices.
  • iframe breaks out of parent container on responsive devices.
  • UI glitch typography input box control on Firefox browser.
  • Multiple times fetching custom post types list callback executes for dynamic customizer.
  • Theme preview showing title area on the banner section for the homepage.
  • Importing wp-starter-content template on fresh setup overriding the existing site title.
  • Dynamic customizer – Single-archive section titles and taxonomy meta names getting by its slug name instead of title.
  • Admin dashboard’s Site Identity quick setting link redirecting to Header Builder > Logo section instead of redirecting to Site Identity section.
Version 4.0.1 Fri, 13 Jan 2023 10:05:07 +0000 Improvement:

  • Introducing filter ‘astra_dynamic_get_post_types_query_args’ for getting post types list to load further dynamic sections in customizer.


  • Header Builder – Visibility control options missing from header sections & respective element sections.
  • Header Builder – Header or the elements on the frontend gets hide directly if previously back in past it got disabled temporary.
  • Header Builder – Account – PHP error E_PARSE gives syntax error for customizer configurations.
  • Smooth scroll to ID – Navigation hash link which redirect to other page’s section is not clickable.
  • Archive type title gets added as prefix on archive pages.
Version 4.0.0 Thu, 12 Jan 2023 03:52:05 +0000 New:


  • Moved Scroll to Top pro extension from addon to theme. ( )
  • Redesigned customizer typography control’s UI for better experience.
  • Customizer typography & color defaults updated to get better UI experience for fresh setup.
  • Introduced new filter ‘astra_global_color_palette’ to extend default color palette settings.
  • Block Editor – Editor experience improved in relation with the frontend.
  • Responsive toggle selection customizer options replaced with new multi-selector control for better experience.
  • Performance related customizer options moved to new admin dashboard under Settings tab.


  • Customizer’s responsive font-size control UI is misaligned.
  • Off-canvas – Full screen – Mobile Menu gets very long scroll when Elementor plugin is activated.
  • Full Width/Contained layout Layout is showing extra padding above in the Transparent Header.
  • Block editor – Getting “ ‘core/editor’ )getBlocks()” console warning in editor as being deprecated in WordPress version 5.3.
  • Block editor – Button background color gets overridden by core styles for Legacy block editor setup.
  • Elementor Global button style overrides theme’s submenu button style.
  • Getting console error in customizer when trying to update footer columns.
  • Block editor – Color gradient angle input field not visible in the block settings.
  • Block editor – Content background gets explicitly set to white in responsive view.
  • WooCommerce – Sticky add to cart is not working on old header footer.
  • Margin applying for the last child ‘li’ tag inside widget section.
  • Block editor – Button background color gets overridden by core styles for the Legacy block editor setup.
  • Customizer – Content background color reflections not working in customizer preview.
Version 3.9.4 Thu, 10 Nov 2022 06:10:23 +0000 Version 3.9.4 Read More »


  • WooCommerce Cart – “Cart Page” click action introduced to redirect the user to the cart page.


  • Added Spectra plugin compatibility for a better experience.
  • WooCommerce Cart – Moved border width option for cart icon from the addon to theme.
  • WooCommerce – Clear button is aligned on top for WooCommerce active filter widget when the “Chips” option is enabled.
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Edit shortcut link assigned to sticky add to cart for easy navigation in respective customizer section.
  • WooCommerce – Added product images for tablet users on the cart page.
  • To have an elegant fresh setup UI, updated the customizer sidebar layout by default to No-Sidebar.
  • WooCommerce Cart – Responsive slider option to adjust Slide-in Cart width for Desktop, Tablet, & Mobile devices.


  • WooCommerce – Content background colour not working in the customizer preview.
  • WooCommerce – Shop – Sale badge text is misaligned on the front end.
  • WooCommerce – Custom image and icon support for payment section.
  • WooCommerce – Payment list styling is broken inside quick view.
  • Block Editor – Astra Meta settings do not save when the Custom Fields option is enabled from the preferences.
  • Two search buttons are visible on the empty archive search result page.
  • Disabled Astra meta setting for the Blog page, which does not work from meta box, as it acts like an archive page on the frontend.
  • Megamenu spacing conflicts with the primary menu top offset option on mobile devices.
  • WooCommerce – Cart icon size is not working on the starter template site.
  • Top border showing up for related post section on a single post when Boxed & Content Boxed layout is active.
  • Editor – External toggle controls reverse their direction due to the theme’s CSS.
  • Block editor – Getting console error for reading properties of undefined for getEditedPostAttribute.