Blog Archive Page Settings in Astra

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Blog / Archive

An archive is a common terminology when it comes to Blog settings. Well to start off, “Archive” means the collection of data. The archive page is a collection of posts grouped by category, author, date, tag, etc.
The search page is also an Archive page.

You can find the setting under Appearance > Customize > Blog > Blog / Archive

Astra blog archive settings

Under Blog / Archive there are total 4 settings:

  • Blog Post Content
  • Blog Post Structure
  • Blog Meta
  • Blog Content Width

Blog Pro module available with Astra Pro adds more options in the customizer for the blog layouts.

Blog Post Content

The written matter on a blog means the blog post content.
You can manage the content in the following manner:

Full Content

Where the entire write-ups or the copy matter written for a blog post is visible on the archive page.

Astra 3.3 blog full content

Excerpt Content

Excerpt content means displaying a short extract of the content, where the count of words is restricted. The default length is 55 words.

Astra 3.3 post excerpt setting

Note: If you have entered the excerpt content from the blog excerpt area it will overwrite the current excerpt.

Blog Pro module available with Astra Pro gives you options to control the word count.

Blog Post Structure

Blog post structure helps you in managing the featured image, title, and the blog Meta.
You can hide the featured image for your blog posts.

Blog Post Structure, Astra 3.0+

In the same way, you can hide the Blog meta settings

Note: When you turn OFF the title and blog meta settings, option for Blog Meta disappears.

Astra 3.3 title and blog meta setting

You can even swap the position of the image and meta settings with a simple drag-drop method.

Blog Meta

Blog meta is all about the in-short description explaining what the blog is all about. It gives extra information about the blog.
Where the author has control to show/hide the number of comments received, the category the post, who is the author, the publish date and the tags.

Astra 3.3 post meta setting

Note: For managing the categories, tags and publish dates you will have to edit the individual post from the backend of WordPress.

Blog Categories and Tags, Astra 3.0+

Blog Content Width

Just the way you have the option to manage the container width of your website, you have an option to manage the container width of your blog page.

Astra 3.3 blog archive content width


You will be able to set the Typography of the Archive Title and Post Title from the settings under this option.

Astra blog typography


The Archive Title settings are not applicable to the Blog Archive page title.

We provide more styling options in dedicated modules of Astra Pro Addon plugin. Learn more about the Blog Pro module of Astra Pro Addon.

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