Display Settings of Custom Layouts in Astra Pro

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Display Settings of Custom Layouts in Astra Pro

Custom Layouts module is available with Astra Pro and allows you to add different types of custom content. In addition, for each layout, you can set display settings. Here, you can set Custom Layouts (same as Page Headers) to be displayed only under specific conditions.

Display and User Role Settings

To access display settings, follow these simple steps:

Step 1 – Start editing your Custom Layout;

Step 2 – Click on the Astra icon in the top right corner to open the Custom Layout Settings panel;

Display and User Role Settings

Step 3 – Next, click on “Display and User Role Settings“. Now, you can edit display settings in the popup.

Display Settings

With display settings, you can achieve great flexibility in displaying your custom content throughout your website.

Astra Custom Layouts Visibility Settings

You can start with the “Display On” option. Here, you can select specific locations or locations where your custom layout will be displayed. Thus, you can select an entire website, a group of pages or posts, or a specific target.

Display On Settings

In addition, you can combine this with the “Do Not Display On” option. Hence, you can add exclusion rules and remove your Custom Layout on some locations while still visible on all others.

Do Not Display On Settings

Further, you can limit Custom Layouts to be displayed only for specific types of users with the “User Roles” option. In other words, you can show different layouts depending on whether users are logged in or not. Also, you can show different content or hide some content depending on the user roles assigned.

User Roles Settings

Finally, these can also be combined with the rest of the visibility settings:

  • Responsive Visibility – You can choose on which devices you want to display your layouts. This will imporve your website’s repsonsivness;
  • Time Duration – You can select start and the end date for the period during which you want your custom layout to be visible. You can use this option perfectly for different notifications or seasonal content.

Displaying Locations

Below, we listed locations available for the “Display On” and “Do Not Display On” options, with their descriptions:


  • Entire Website: Your laouts will show on all pages, post, CPTs, singulars, archives, search, 404;
  • All Singulars: You can limit the layout to all single posts/pages;
  • All Archives: Also, you can decide to use your layout specificaly for your achives – Monthly, Category, Tag, Author, Search.

Special Pages

  • 404 Page: On the page shown when a page doesn’t exist on your site.
  • Search Page: On the page that displays search results.
  • Blog / Posts Page: On the Blog Archive Page, which is set as the Posts page and lists all blogs on your site.
  • Front Page: On the page that is set as a Home page.
  • Date Archive: On the Archive page for date, where posts are filtered based on date.
  • Author Archive: On the Archive page for the author. Posts by a particular author will be listed here.


  • All Posts: On all blog posts (Single Post)
  • All Posts Archive: On all posts archive pages (for example, all posts published by the same author)
  • All Categories Archive: On all post category archive pages
  • All Tags Archive: On all post tag archives


  • All Pages: On all pages

Specific Target

  • Specific Pages / Posts / Taxonomies, etc.: Only on a specific places (for example only one post or page)
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